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Back SWEEPSTAKES VARCHAS WHISKEY SWAG GIVEAWAY SWEEPSTAKES OFFICIAL RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. You must be at least 21 years of age and a legal resident of the United States to participate. Sweepstakes void wherever prohibited or restricted by law. SWEEPSTAKES PERIOD: “Varchas Whiskey Swag Giveaway” Sweepstakes starts on July 8, 2023, at 12:0

Back 2023 GRAND RAPIDS BOURBON FEST RECAP Saturday’s Grand Rapids Bourbon Fest put on by Alex and Paul from 5475 Days was a fantastic success. The first session (4-7pm) brought in 600 attendees, and we were tasted with approximately 200 of them, with 60% of tasters preferring our rye to the bourbon. Session two (8-11pm) hosted an […]

Back ONE BOURBON WHISKEY CLUB RECAP Wednesday, March 1, 2023 – Wednesday evening’s tasting at One Bourbon was an absolute smash. All 44 attendees had extremely positive reactions to our brand, especially our plans on single barrel sampling. The Whiskey League at One Bourbon is an open membership group of passionate whiskey lovers. One B

Back ROYAL OAK WHISKEY FEST – 2023 Saturday, February 18, 2023 – Royal Oak Whiskey Fest A great turn out at the 2023 Royal Oak Whiskey Fest at the Royal Oak Farmers Market . Large attendance, and a lot of distilleries sampling. Varchas Whiskeys, Bourbon and Rye were well sampled!#royaloakwhiskeyfestival2023 #michiganbourbon #michiganryew


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